Writings By Harry Price |
1920 1. A Wonderful Book on Playing Cards (Magazine of Magic. May 1920) 2. Mediums and Magic (The Magazine for Magic. October 1920) 3. Some Magical Rarities, Ancient and Modern (The Magazine of Magic. November 1920) 4. Bartholomew Fair and Its Old-Time Conjurers (Magazine of Magic. December 1920) 1921 5. A Message from Mahatma Land: Magical Illusion (Magazine of Magic. 1921) 6. Five Hundred Years of Magic (Magazine of Magic. February 1921) 7. Mornings Among the Cobwebs: or, Hours in a Magical Library (The Magazine of Magic. March 1921) 8. A "Price"-less match-box: Magical illusion (Magazine of Magic. October 1921) 9. A Ventriloquial Halfpenny: Joseph Askins and the Count O'Burn (Magazine of Magic. October 1921) 1922 10. A Case of Fraud With the Crewe Circle: Exposure of William Hope (Journal of the London S.P.R. 1922) 11. Cold Light on Spiritualistic Phenomena (Journal of the S.P.R. May 1922) 12. D.D. Home and His Times: A Hitherto Unpublished Letter of the Famous Medium (Light. 4/XI/1922) 13. Phenomena Under Conclusive Test Conditions: Willy Schneider (Light. 16/XII/1922) 1923 14. Convincing Phenomena at Munich: Willy Schneider (Psyche. April 1923) 15. Some Impressions of Jean Guzik and his Phenomena (Light. 29/IX/1923) 16. The Psychic Exhibition (Journal of the American S.P.R. July 1923) 17. My Library (The Magic Wand. October-November 1923) 18. Stella C. A Record of some Novel Experiments in Psycho-Physical Research (In two parts. Psychic Science. October 1923 and January 1924) 19. The Psychic Element in Legerdemain (Light. 8/XII/1923) 20. The Rebirth of Magic (Sunday Chronicle. 31/XII/1923) 1924 21. Exposure of Jan Guzik, Warsaw (Journal of the American S.P.R. February 1924) 22. Facts, Frauds and Fallacies of Psychical Research (Journal of Midland & Birmingham S.P.R. May 1924) 23. Stella C. and her Phenomena (Journal of the American S.P.R. May 1924) Click here for the complete online paper 24. An Open Letter to Mr. Maskelyne (Light. 26/VII/1924) 25. What Mr. Maskelyne Cannot Do (Light. 20/IX/1924) 26. John Nevil Maskelyne as a Believer in the Occult (Light. 11/X/1924) 27. Psychic Photography: The Hypothesis of Fraud (Light 13 and 20/XII/1924) 1925 28. Psychical Research in Northern Europe (Light. 24/I/1925) 29. The Ideal Séance Room (Light. 4/IV/1925) 30. National Laboratory of Psychical Research (Inaugural Meeting. Light. 11/IV/1925) 31. New Light on the Abrams Reactions (Journal of the American S.P.R. July 1925) 32. An Account of Some Further Experiments with Willy Schneider (Journal of the American S.P.R. August 1925) 33. Psychic Photography: Some Scientific Aids to Spurious Phenomena (Journal of the American S.P.R. October and November 1925) 1926 34. Brilliant Phenomena in the Home of the Schneiders (Journal of the American S.P.R. January 1926) Click here for the complete online paper. 35. A Strange Experience with a Shropshire Poltergeist (Journal of the American S.P.R. New York. February 1926) 36. Pseudo-Psychic Manifestations due to Self-Induced Hysteria (Journal of the American S.P.R. February 1926) 37. The Slate-Writing Mediumship of Mrs. Pruden (Journal of the American S.P.R. March 1926) 38. Science in the Séance Room (Journal of the American S.P.R. April 1926) 39. Some Early Works on False Mediumship (Journal of the American S.P.R. April 1926) 40. Frau Silbert and her Phenomena (Journal of the American S.P.R. May 1926) 41. A Tyrolean Night's Entertainment: Pseudo phenomena (Journal of the American S.P.R. New York. May 1926) 42. A Model Psychic Laboratory (British Journal of Psychical Research. May-June 1926) Click here for the complete online paper. 43. A Plea for Accuracy (British Journal of Psychical Research. May-June 1926) Click here for the complete online article. 44. Radio-Active Compounds and their Use in Psychical Research (Journal of the American S.P.R. July 1926) 45. Some Account of the Poltergeist Phenomena of Eleonore Zungun (Journal of the American S.P.R. August 1926) 46. The Phenomena of Rudi Schneider (Journal of the American S.P.R. November 1926) 1927 47. Joanna Southcott's Box (A series of five articles. Journal of the American S.P.R. 1927) 48. A Report on the Telekinetic and other Phenomena Witnessed through Eleonore Zungen (Journal of the American S.P.R. January 1927) 49. "Kultur" by Cinema: Dr. Gaston Haes, the Showman-Hypnotist (Journal of the American S.P.R. March 1927) 50. A Report on the Telekinetic and other Phenomena Witnessed through Eleonore Zungen (Proceedings of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research. Part 1, Vol. I. 1927) 51. Jeanne Laplace: Some Experiments with a New French Clairvoyante (Journal of the American S.P.R. April 1927) 52. Some Account of the Thermal Variations as Recorded During the Trance State of the Psychic, Stella C (Journal of the American S.P.R. November 1927) 53. The National Laboratory Library (British Journal of Psychical Research. November-December 1927) 1928 54. Behind the scenes of Spiritualism (A series of eight articles in the Sunday Chronicle. February 5th - March 25th 1928) 55. The Battersea Poltergeist (Psychic Research. New York. March 1928) 56. A Séance Table for the Study of Telekinesis (Psychic Research, New York. June 1928) 57. Some Personal Experiences with Anna Rasmussen (Psychic Research. New York. July 1928) 58. Why I Suspect a Boy Medium: Herbert Dyer (Empire News. Manchester. 26/VIII/1928) 59. Some Further Experiments with Jean Leplace (Psychic Research. New York. September 1928) 60. The Automatic Art of Heinrich Nusslein (Psychic Research. New York. November 1928) 61. Psychic Experiments in the Roman Catacombs. A Clairvoyant Life of St. Agnes (Psychic Research. New York. December 1928) 1929 62. A Plea for a Better Understanding (British Journal of Psychical Research. January-February 1929) 63. Strange Beings Who Have Puzzled Me (Sunday Sun. Newcastle. 10/III/1929) 64. I Hunt a Ghost in Haunted Manor (Indian National Herald. 12/IV/1929) 65. My Adventures with the Unseen (Sunday Mail. Glasgow. 28/IV/1929) 66. My Adventures with "Ghosts" in Haunted Houses (Sunday Sentinel. Hanley, Staffs. 19/V/1929) 67. The Current Status of the Schneider Mediumship. III - Five Demonstration Séances by Rudi at the National Laboratory (Psychic Research. September 1929) 68. Confessions of a Ghost Hunter: Further Confessions of a Ghost Hunter (Series of Twelve Articles in the Sunday Sun. Newcastle. November 24th 1929 - March 2nd 1930) |
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