Cellar Floor Plan
of Borley Rectory |
Cellar Floor Plan of Borley Rectory prepared by Len Sewell who carried out excavation work on the Rectory site during the 1950s. The key is as follows:- 1. Block of 2" red bricks; 2. Excavated 1956; 3. Entrance - site of stairs; 4. Modern drain pipes 3" diameter; 5. Pipes missing here; 6. Drain continues through wall; 7. Wall under floor; 8. Rubble filling, bricks & tiles; 9. Line of hard clay; 10. Excavated 1958; 11. Wall under floor; 12. Drain - large old pipes; 13. Filled-in well; 14. Old drain; 15. Fragmentary wall; 16. Old drain; 17. Drain 'D' pipes old type; 18. Modern covered drain; 19. Apparently later insertion; 20. Wall of 2" red bricks; 21. Red un-glazed tiles; 22/23. Old drain pipes, flat bottoms 12" below floor; 24. Block of 2" red bricks; 25. Wall of 2" red bricks; 26. Flat yellow bricks; 27. Drain; 28. Rubble filling bricks & tiles; 29. Foundation discovered 1937; 30. Site of well. (Reproduced from The Ghosts of Borley by Peter Underwood & Paul Tabori [David & Charles, 1973])
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